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  For online advertising information contact:

  John Weisgerber

  Vice President, Digital Advertising

  Phone: 212-767-6131

  E-mail: jweisgerberhfmus

  For magazine advertising information contact:

  Rheannon Serino

  Advertising Business Coordinator

  E-mail: rserinohfmus

  For additional information visit hfmus

  For subscription inquires, call 850-682-7654

  To order back issues dated within the past two years

  (please know the specific issue dated) call 800-333-8546.

  You may also visit neodata

  Or E-mail: elleneodata

  Human Resources


  1271 Avenue of the Americas, 43rd floor

  New York, NY 10020

  We also post job openings on MediaBistro

  For internships, please send your résumé and cover letter to the above address and attention

  it to the Internship Coordinator, or send an e-mail to internshipshfmus

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